#!/usr/bin/env python #****************************************************************************** # $Id: gdal2tiles.py 18194 2009-12-06 20:07:45Z rouault $ # # Project: Google Summer of Code 2007, 2008 (http://code.google.com/soc/) # Support: BRGM (http://www.brgm.fr) # Purpose: Convert a raster into TMS (Tile Map Service) tiles in a directory. # - generate Google Earth metadata (KML SuperOverlay) # - generate simple HTML viewer based on Google Maps and OpenLayers # - support of global tiles (Spherical Mercator) for compatibility # with interactive web maps a la Google Maps # Author: Klokan Petr Pridal, klokan at klokan dot cz # Web: http://www.klokan.cz/projects/gdal2tiles/ # GUI: http://www.maptiler.org/ # ############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2008, Klokan Petr Pridal # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #****************************************************************************** from osgeo import gdal from osgeo import osr import sys import os import math try: from PIL import Image import numpy import osgeo.gdal_array as gdalarray except: # 'antialias' resampling is not available pass __version__ = "$Id: gdal2tiles.py 18194 2009-12-06 20:07:45Z rouault $" resampling_list = ('average','near','bilinear','cubic','cubicspline','lanczos','antialias') profile_list = ('mercator','geodetic','raster') #,'zoomify') webviewer_list = ('all','google','openlayers','none') # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= __doc__globalmaptiles = """ globalmaptiles.py Global Map Tiles as defined in Tile Map Service (TMS) Profiles ============================================================== Functions necessary for generation of global tiles used on the web. It contains classes implementing coordinate conversions for: - GlobalMercator (based on EPSG:900913 = EPSG:3785) for Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Maps compatible tiles - GlobalGeodetic (based on EPSG:4326) for OpenLayers Base Map and Google Earth compatible tiles More info at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Tile_Map_Service_Specification http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WMS_Tiling_Client_Recommendation http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb259689.aspx http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/overlays.html#Google_Maps_Coordinates Created by Klokan Petr Pridal on 2008-07-03. Google Summer of Code 2008, project GDAL2Tiles for OSGEO. In case you use this class in your product, translate it to another language or find it usefull for your project please let me know. My email: klokan at klokan dot cz. I would like to know where it was used. Class is available under the open-source GDAL license (www.gdal.org). """ import math MAXZOOMLEVEL = 32 class GlobalMercator(object): """ TMS Global Mercator Profile --------------------------- Functions necessary for generation of tiles in Spherical Mercator projection, EPSG:900913 (EPSG:gOOglE, Google Maps Global Mercator), EPSG:3785, OSGEO:41001. Such tiles are compatible with Google Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps, UK Ordnance Survey OpenSpace API, ... and you can overlay them on top of base maps of those web mapping applications. Pixel and tile coordinates are in TMS notation (origin [0,0] in bottom-left). What coordinate conversions do we need for TMS Global Mercator tiles:: LatLon <-> Meters <-> Pixels <-> Tile WGS84 coordinates Spherical Mercator Pixels in pyramid Tiles in pyramid lat/lon XY in metres XY pixels Z zoom XYZ from TMS EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 .----. --------- -- TMS / \ <-> | | <-> /----/ <-> Google \ / | | /--------/ QuadTree ----- --------- /------------/ KML, public WebMapService Web Clients TileMapService What is the coordinate extent of Earth in EPSG:900913? [-20037508.342789244, -20037508.342789244, 20037508.342789244, 20037508.342789244] Constant 20037508.342789244 comes from the circumference of the Earth in meters, which is 40 thousand kilometers, the coordinate origin is in the middle of extent. In fact you can calculate the constant as: 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / 2.0 $ echo 180 85 | gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:900913 Polar areas with abs(latitude) bigger then 85.05112878 are clipped off. What are zoom level constants (pixels/meter) for pyramid with EPSG:900913? whole region is on top of pyramid (zoom=0) covered by 256x256 pixels tile, every lower zoom level resolution is always divided by two initialResolution = 20037508.342789244 * 2 / 256 = 156543.03392804062 What is the difference between TMS and Google Maps/QuadTree tile name convention? The tile raster itself is the same (equal extent, projection, pixel size), there is just different identification of the same raster tile. Tiles in TMS are counted from [0,0] in the bottom-left corner, id is XYZ. Google placed the origin [0,0] to the top-left corner, reference is XYZ. Microsoft is referencing tiles by a QuadTree name, defined on the website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb259689.aspx The lat/lon coordinates are using WGS84 datum, yeh? Yes, all lat/lon we are mentioning should use WGS84 Geodetic Datum. Well, the web clients like Google Maps are projecting those coordinates by Spherical Mercator, so in fact lat/lon coordinates on sphere are treated as if the were on the WGS84 ellipsoid. From MSDN documentation: To simplify the calculations, we use the spherical form of projection, not the ellipsoidal form. Since the projection is used only for map display, and not for displaying numeric coordinates, we don't need the extra precision of an ellipsoidal projection. The spherical projection causes approximately 0.33 percent scale distortion in the Y direction, which is not visually noticable. How do I create a raster in EPSG:900913 and convert coordinates with PROJ.4? You can use standard GIS tools like gdalwarp, cs2cs or gdaltransform. All of the tools supports -t_srs 'epsg:900913'. For other GIS programs check the exact definition of the projection: More info at http://spatialreference.org/ref/user/google-projection/ The same projection is degined as EPSG:3785. WKT definition is in the official EPSG database. Proj4 Text: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs Human readable WKT format of EPGS:900913: PROJCS["Google Maps Global Mercator", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP"], PARAMETER["central_meridian",0], PARAMETER["scale_factor",1], PARAMETER["false_easting",0], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]] """ def __init__(self, tileSize=256): "Initialize the TMS Global Mercator pyramid" self.tileSize = tileSize self.initialResolution = 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / self.tileSize # 156543.03392804062 for tileSize 256 pixels self.originShift = 2 * math.pi * 6378137 / 2.0 # 20037508.342789244 def LatLonToMeters(self, lat, lon ): "Converts given lat/lon in WGS84 Datum to XY in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913" mx = lon * self.originShift / 180.0 my = math.log( math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi / 360.0 )) / (math.pi / 180.0) my = my * self.originShift / 180.0 return mx, my def MetersToLatLon(self, mx, my ): "Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum" lon = (mx / self.originShift) * 180.0 lat = (my / self.originShift) * 180.0 lat = 180 / math.pi * (2 * math.atan( math.exp( lat * math.pi / 180.0)) - math.pi / 2.0) return lat, lon def PixelsToMeters(self, px, py, zoom): "Converts pixel coordinates in given zoom level of pyramid to EPSG:900913" res = self.Resolution( zoom ) mx = px * res - self.originShift my = py * res - self.originShift return mx, my def MetersToPixels(self, mx, my, zoom): "Converts EPSG:900913 to pyramid pixel coordinates in given zoom level" res = self.Resolution( zoom ) px = (mx + self.originShift) / res py = (my + self.originShift) / res return px, py def PixelsToTile(self, px, py): "Returns a tile covering region in given pixel coordinates" tx = int( math.ceil( px / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) ty = int( math.ceil( py / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) return tx, ty def PixelsToRaster(self, px, py, zoom): "Move the origin of pixel coordinates to top-left corner" mapSize = self.tileSize << zoom return px, mapSize - py def MetersToTile(self, mx, my, zoom): "Returns tile for given mercator coordinates" px, py = self.MetersToPixels( mx, my, zoom) return self.PixelsToTile( px, py) def TileBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom): "Returns bounds of the given tile in EPSG:900913 coordinates" minx, miny = self.PixelsToMeters( tx*self.tileSize, ty*self.tileSize, zoom ) maxx, maxy = self.PixelsToMeters( (tx+1)*self.tileSize, (ty+1)*self.tileSize, zoom ) return ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) def TileLatLonBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom ): "Returns bounds of the given tile in latutude/longitude using WGS84 datum" bounds = self.TileBounds( tx, ty, zoom) minLat, minLon = self.MetersToLatLon(bounds[0], bounds[1]) maxLat, maxLon = self.MetersToLatLon(bounds[2], bounds[3]) return ( minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon ) def Resolution(self, zoom ): "Resolution (meters/pixel) for given zoom level (measured at Equator)" # return (2 * math.pi * 6378137) / (self.tileSize * 2**zoom) return self.initialResolution / (2**zoom) def ZoomForPixelSize(self, pixelSize ): "Maximal scaledown zoom of the pyramid closest to the pixelSize." for i in range(MAXZOOMLEVEL): if pixelSize > self.Resolution(i): if i!=0: return i-1 else: return 0 # We don't want to scale up def GoogleTile(self, tx, ty, zoom): "Converts TMS tile coordinates to Google Tile coordinates" # coordinate origin is moved from bottom-left to top-left corner of the extent return tx, (2**zoom - 1) - ty def QuadTree(self, tx, ty, zoom ): "Converts TMS tile coordinates to Microsoft QuadTree" quadKey = "" ty = (2**zoom - 1) - ty for i in range(zoom, 0, -1): digit = 0 mask = 1 << (i-1) if (tx & mask) != 0: digit += 1 if (ty & mask) != 0: digit += 2 quadKey += str(digit) return quadKey #--------------------- class GlobalGeodetic(object): """ TMS Global Geodetic Profile --------------------------- Functions necessary for generation of global tiles in Plate Carre projection, EPSG:4326, "unprojected profile". Such tiles are compatible with Google Earth (as any other EPSG:4326 rasters) and you can overlay the tiles on top of OpenLayers base map. Pixel and tile coordinates are in TMS notation (origin [0,0] in bottom-left). What coordinate conversions do we need for TMS Global Geodetic tiles? Global Geodetic tiles are using geodetic coordinates (latitude,longitude) directly as planar coordinates XY (it is also called Unprojected or Plate Carre). We need only scaling to pixel pyramid and cutting to tiles. Pyramid has on top level two tiles, so it is not square but rectangle. Area [-180,-90,180,90] is scaled to 512x256 pixels. TMS has coordinate origin (for pixels and tiles) in bottom-left corner. Rasters are in EPSG:4326 and therefore are compatible with Google Earth. LatLon <-> Pixels <-> Tiles WGS84 coordinates Pixels in pyramid Tiles in pyramid lat/lon XY pixels Z zoom XYZ from TMS EPSG:4326 .----. ---- / \ <-> /--------/ <-> TMS \ / /--------------/ ----- /--------------------/ WMS, KML Web Clients, Google Earth TileMapService """ def __init__(self, tileSize = 256): self.tileSize = tileSize def LatLonToPixels(self, lat, lon, zoom): "Converts lat/lon to pixel coordinates in given zoom of the EPSG:4326 pyramid" res = 180.0 / self.tileSize / 2**zoom px = (180 + lat) / res py = (90 + lon) / res return px, py def PixelsToTile(self, px, py): "Returns coordinates of the tile covering region in pixel coordinates" tx = int( math.ceil( px / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) ty = int( math.ceil( py / float(self.tileSize) ) - 1 ) return tx, ty def LatLonToTile(self, lat, lon, zoom): "Returns the tile for zoom which covers given lat/lon coordinates" px, py = self.LatLonToPixels( lat, lon, zoom) return self.PixelsToTile(px,py) def Resolution(self, zoom ): "Resolution (arc/pixel) for given zoom level (measured at Equator)" return 180.0 / self.tileSize / 2**zoom #return 180 / float( 1 << (8+zoom) ) def ZoomForPixelSize(self, pixelSize ): "Maximal scaledown zoom of the pyramid closest to the pixelSize." for i in range(MAXZOOMLEVEL): if pixelSize > self.Resolution(i): if i!=0: return i-1 else: return 0 # We don't want to scale up def TileBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom): "Returns bounds of the given tile" res = 180.0 / self.tileSize / 2**zoom return ( tx*self.tileSize*res - 180, ty*self.tileSize*res - 90, (tx+1)*self.tileSize*res - 180, (ty+1)*self.tileSize*res - 90 ) def TileLatLonBounds(self, tx, ty, zoom): "Returns bounds of the given tile in the SWNE form" b = self.TileBounds(tx, ty, zoom) return (b[1],b[0],b[3],b[2]) #--------------------- # TODO: Finish Zoomify implemtentation!!! class Zoomify(object): """ Tiles compatible with the Zoomify viewer ---------------------------------------- """ def __init__(self, width, height, tilesize = 256, tileformat='jpg'): """Initialization of the Zoomify tile tree""" self.tilesize = tilesize self.tileformat = tileformat imagesize = (width, height) tiles = ( math.ceil( width / tilesize ), math.ceil( height / tilesize ) ) # Size (in tiles) for each tier of pyramid. self.tierSizeInTiles = [] self.tierSizeInTiles.push( tiles ) # Image size in pixels for each pyramid tierself self.tierImageSize = [] self.tierImageSize.append( imagesize ); while (imagesize[0] > tilesize or imageSize[1] > tilesize ): imagesize = (math.floor( imagesize[0] / 2 ), math.floor( imagesize[1] / 2) ) tiles = ( math.ceil( imagesize[0] / tilesize ), math.ceil( imagesize[1] / tilesize ) ) self.tierSizeInTiles.append( tiles ) self.tierImageSize.append( imagesize ) self.tierSizeInTiles.reverse() self.tierImageSize.reverse() # Depth of the Zoomify pyramid, number of tiers (zoom levels) self.numberOfTiers = len(self.tierSizeInTiles) # Number of tiles up to the given tier of pyramid. self.tileCountUpToTier = [] self.tileCountUpToTier[0] = 0 for i in range(1, self.numberOfTiers+1): self.tileCountUpToTier.append( self.tierSizeInTiles[i-1][0] * self.tierSizeInTiles[i-1][1] + self.tileCountUpToTier[i-1] ) def tilefilename(self, x, y, z): """Returns filename for tile with given coordinates""" tileIndex = x + y * self.tierSizeInTiles[z][0] + self.tileCountUpToTier[z] return os.path.join("TileGroup%.0f" % math.floor( tileIndex / 256 ), "%s-%s-%s.%s" % ( z, x, y, self.tileformat)) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= class GDAL2Tiles(object): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process(self): """The main processing function, runs all the main steps of processing""" # Opening and preprocessing of the input file self.open_input() # Generation of main metadata files and HTML viewers self.generate_metadata() # Generation of the lowest tiles self.generate_base_tiles() # Generation of the overview tiles (higher in the pyramid) self.generate_overview_tiles() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def error(self, msg, details = "" ): """Print an error message and stop the processing""" if details: self.parser.error(msg + "\n\n" + details) else: self.parser.error(msg) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def progressbar(self, complete = 0.0): """Print progressbar for float value 0..1""" gdal.TermProgress_nocb(complete) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def stop(self): """Stop the rendering immediately""" self.stopped = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, arguments ): """Constructor function - initialization""" self.stopped = False self.input = None self.output = None # Tile format self.tilesize = 256 self.tiledriver = 'PNG' self.tileext = 'png' # Should we read bigger window of the input raster and scale it down? # Note: Modified leter by open_input() # Not for 'near' resampling # Not for Wavelet based drivers (JPEG2000, ECW, MrSID) # Not for 'raster' profile self.scaledquery = True # How big should be query window be for scaling down # Later on reset according the chosen resampling algorightm self.querysize = 4 * self.tilesize # Should we use Read on the input file for generating overview tiles? # Note: Modified later by open_input() # Otherwise the overview tiles are generated from existing underlying tiles self.overviewquery = False # RUN THE ARGUMENT PARSER: self.optparse_init() self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(args=arguments) if not self.args: self.error("No input file specified") # POSTPROCESSING OF PARSED ARGUMENTS: # Workaround for old versions of GDAL try: if (self.options.verbose and self.options.resampling == 'near') or gdal.TermProgress_nocb: pass except: self.error("This version of GDAL is not supported. Please upgrade to 1.6+.") #,"You can try run crippled version of gdal2tiles with parameters: -v -r 'near'") # Is output directory the last argument? # Test output directory, if it doesn't exist if os.path.isdir(self.args[-1]) or ( len(self.args) > 1 and not os.path.exists(self.args[-1])): self.output = self.args[-1] self.args = self.args[:-1] # More files on the input not directly supported yet if (len(self.args) > 1): self.error("Processing of several input files is not supported.", """Please first use a tool like gdal_vrtmerge.py or gdal_merge.py on the files: gdal_vrtmerge.py -o merged.vrt %s""" % " ".join(self.args)) # TODO: Call functions from gdal_vrtmerge.py directly self.input = self.args[0] # Default values for not given options if not self.output: # Directory with input filename without extension in actual directory self.output = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( self.input ))[0] if not self.options.title: self.options.title = os.path.basename( self.input ) if self.options.url and not self.options.url.endswith('/'): self.options.url += '/' if self.options.url: self.options.url += os.path.basename( self.output ) + '/' # Supported options self.resampling = None if self.options.resampling == 'average': try: if gdal.RegenerateOverview: pass except: self.error("'average' resampling algorithm is not available.", "Please use -r 'near' argument or upgrade to newer version of GDAL.") elif self.options.resampling == 'antialias': try: if numpy: pass except: self.error("'antialias' resampling algorithm is not available.", "Install PIL (Python Imaging Library) and numpy.") elif self.options.resampling == 'near': self.resampling = gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour self.querysize = self.tilesize elif self.options.resampling == 'bilinear': self.resampling = gdal.GRA_Bilinear self.querysize = self.tilesize * 2 elif self.options.resampling == 'cubic': self.resampling = gdal.GRA_Cubic elif self.options.resampling == 'cubicspline': self.resampling = gdal.GRA_CubicSpline elif self.options.resampling == 'lanczos': self.resampling = gdal.GRA_Lanczos # User specified zoom levels self.tminz = None self.tmaxz = None if self.options.zoom: minmax = self.options.zoom.split('-',1) minmax.extend(['']) min, max = minmax[:2] self.tminz = int(min) if max: self.tmaxz = int(max) else: self.tmaxz = int(min) # KML generation self.kml = self.options.kml # Output the results if self.options.verbose: print("Options:", self.options) print("Input:", self.input) print("Output:", self.output) print("Cache: %s MB" % (gdal.GetCacheMax() / 1024 / 1024)) print('') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def optparse_init(self): """Prepare the option parser for input (argv)""" from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup usage = "Usage: %prog [options] input_file(s) [output]" p = OptionParser(usage, version="%prog "+ __version__) p.add_option("-p", "--profile", dest='profile', type='choice', choices=profile_list, help="Tile cutting profile (%s) - default 'mercator' (Google Maps compatible)" % ",".join(profile_list)) p.add_option("-r", "--resampling", dest="resampling", type='choice', choices=resampling_list, help="Resampling method (%s) - default 'average'" % ",".join(resampling_list)) p.add_option('-s', '--s_srs', dest="s_srs", metavar="SRS", help="The spatial reference system used for the source input data") p.add_option('-z', '--zoom', dest="zoom", help="Zoom levels to render (format:'2-5' or '10').") p.add_option('-e', '--resume', dest="resume", action="store_true", help="Resume mode. Generate only missing files.") p.add_option('-a', '--srcnodata', dest="srcnodata", metavar="NODATA", help="NODATA transparency value to assign to the input data") p.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Print status messages to stdout") # KML options g = OptionGroup(p, "KML (Google Earth) options", "Options for generated Google Earth SuperOverlay metadata") g.add_option("-k", "--force-kml", dest='kml', action="store_true", help="Generate KML for Google Earth - default for 'geodetic' profile and 'raster' in EPSG:4326. For a dataset with different projection use with caution!") g.add_option("-n", "--no-kml", dest='kml', action="store_false", help="Avoid automatic generation of KML files for EPSG:4326") g.add_option("-u", "--url", dest='url', help="URL address where the generated tiles are going to be published") p.add_option_group(g) # HTML options g = OptionGroup(p, "Web viewer options", "Options for generated HTML viewers a la Google Maps") g.add_option("-w", "--webviewer", dest='webviewer', type='choice', choices=webviewer_list, help="Web viewer to generate (%s) - default 'all'" % ",".join(webviewer_list)) g.add_option("-t", "--title", dest='title', help="Title of the map") g.add_option("-c", "--copyright", dest='copyright', help="Copyright for the map") g.add_option("-g", "--googlekey", dest='googlekey', help="Google Maps API key from http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html") g.add_option("-y", "--yahookey", dest='yahookey', help="Yahoo Application ID from http://developer.yahoo.com/wsregapp/") p.add_option_group(g) # TODO: MapFile + TileIndexes per zoom level for efficient MapServer WMS #g = OptionGroup(p, "WMS MapServer metadata", "Options for generated mapfile and tileindexes for MapServer") #g.add_option("-i", "--tileindex", dest='wms', action="store_true" # help="Generate tileindex and mapfile for MapServer (WMS)") # p.add_option_group(g) p.set_defaults(verbose=False, profile="mercator", kml=False, url='', webviewer='all', copyright='', resampling='average', resume=False, googlekey='INSERT_YOUR_KEY_HERE', yahookey='INSERT_YOUR_YAHOO_APP_ID_HERE') self.parser = p # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def open_input(self): """Initialization of the input raster, reprojection if necessary""" gdal.AllRegister() # Initialize necessary GDAL drivers self.out_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName( self.tiledriver ) self.mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName( 'MEM' ) if not self.out_drv: raise Exception("The '%s' driver was not found, is it available in this GDAL build?", self.tiledriver) if not self.mem_drv: raise Exception("The 'MEM' driver was not found, is it available in this GDAL build?") # Open the input file if self.input: self.in_ds = gdal.Open(self.input, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) else: raise Exception("No input file was specified") if self.options.verbose: print("Input file:", "( %sP x %sL - %s bands)" % (self.in_ds.RasterXSize, self.in_ds.RasterYSize, self.in_ds.RasterCount)) if not self.in_ds: # Note: GDAL prints the ERROR message too self.error("It is not possible to open the input file '%s'." % self.input ) # Read metadata from the input file if self.in_ds.RasterCount == 0: self.error( "Input file '%s' has no raster band" % self.input ) if self.in_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetRasterColorTable(): # TODO: Process directly paletted dataset by generating VRT in memory self.error( "Please convert this file to RGB/RGBA and run gdal2tiles on the result.", """From paletted file you can create RGBA file (temp.vrt) by: gdal_translate -of vrt -expand rgba %s temp.vrt then run: gdal2tiles temp.vrt""" % self.input ) # Get NODATA value self.in_nodata = [] for i in range(1, self.in_ds.RasterCount+1): if self.in_ds.GetRasterBand(i).GetNoDataValue() != None: self.in_nodata.append( self.in_ds.GetRasterBand(i).GetNoDataValue() ) if self.options.srcnodata: nds = list(map( float, self.options.srcnodata.split(','))) if len(nds) < self.in_ds.RasterCount: self.in_nodata = (nds * self.in_ds.RasterCount)[:self.in_ds.RasterCount] else: self.in_nodata = nds if self.options.verbose: print("NODATA: %s" % self.in_nodata) # # Here we should have RGBA input dataset opened in self.in_ds # if self.options.verbose: print("Preprocessed file:", "( %sP x %sL - %s bands)" % (self.in_ds.RasterXSize, self.in_ds.RasterYSize, self.in_ds.RasterCount)) # Spatial Reference System of the input raster self.in_srs = None if self.options.s_srs: self.in_srs = osr.SpatialReference() self.in_srs.SetFromUserInput(self.options.s_srs) self.in_srs_wkt = self.in_srs.ExportToWkt() else: self.in_srs_wkt = self.in_ds.GetProjection() if not self.in_srs_wkt and self.in_ds.GetGCPCount() != 0: self.in_srs_wkt = self.in_ds.GetGCPProjection() if self.in_srs_wkt: self.in_srs = osr.SpatialReference() self.in_srs.ImportFromWkt(self.in_srs_wkt) #elif self.options.profile != 'raster': # self.error("There is no spatial reference system info included in the input file.","You should run gdal2tiles with --s_srs EPSG:XXXX or similar.") # Spatial Reference System of tiles self.out_srs = osr.SpatialReference() if self.options.profile == 'mercator': self.out_srs.ImportFromEPSG(900913) elif self.options.profile == 'geodetic': self.out_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) else: self.out_srs = self.in_srs # Are the reference systems the same? Reproject if necessary. self.out_ds = None if self.options.profile in ('mercator', 'geodetic'): if (self.in_ds.GetGeoTransform() == (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) and (self.in_ds.GetGCPCount() == 0): self.error("There is no georeference - neither affine transformation (worldfile) nor GCPs. You can generate only 'raster' profile tiles.", "Either gdal2tiles with parameter -p 'raster' or use another GIS software for georeference e.g. gdal_transform -gcp / -a_ullr / -a_srs") if self.in_srs: if (self.in_srs.ExportToProj4() != self.out_srs.ExportToProj4()) or (self.in_ds.GetGCPCount() != 0): # Generation of VRT dataset in tile projection, default 'nearest neighbour' warping self.out_ds = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT( self.in_ds, self.in_srs_wkt, self.out_srs.ExportToWkt() ) # TODO: HIGH PRIORITY: Correction of AutoCreateWarpedVRT according the max zoomlevel for correct direct warping!!! if self.options.verbose: print("Warping of the raster by AutoCreateWarpedVRT (result saved into 'tiles.vrt')") self.out_ds.GetDriver().CreateCopy("tiles.vrt", self.out_ds) # Note: self.in_srs and self.in_srs_wkt contain still the non-warped reference system!!! # Correction of AutoCreateWarpedVRT for NODATA values if self.in_nodata != []: import tempfile tempfilename = tempfile.mktemp('-gdal2tiles.vrt') self.out_ds.GetDriver().CreateCopy(tempfilename, self.out_ds) # open as a text file s = open(tempfilename).read() # Add the warping options s = s.replace("""""",""" """) # replace BandMapping tag for NODATA bands.... for i in range(len(self.in_nodata)): s = s.replace("""""" % ((i+1),(i+1)),""" %i 0 %i 0 """ % ((i+1), (i+1), self.in_nodata[i], self.in_nodata[i])) # Or rewrite to white by: , 255 )) # save the corrected VRT open(tempfilename,"w").write(s) # open by GDAL as self.out_ds self.out_ds = gdal.Open(tempfilename) #, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # delete the temporary file os.unlink(tempfilename) # set NODATA_VALUE metadata self.out_ds.SetMetadataItem('NODATA_VALUES','%i %i %i' % (self.in_nodata[0],self.in_nodata[1],self.in_nodata[2])) if self.options.verbose: print("Modified warping result saved into 'tiles1.vrt'") open("tiles1.vrt","w").write(s) # ----------------------------------- # Correction of AutoCreateWarpedVRT for Mono (1 band) and RGB (3 bands) files without NODATA: # equivalent of gdalwarp -dstalpha if self.in_nodata == [] and self.out_ds.RasterCount in [1,3]: import tempfile tempfilename = tempfile.mktemp('-gdal2tiles.vrt') self.out_ds.GetDriver().CreateCopy(tempfilename, self.out_ds) # open as a text file s = open(tempfilename).read() # Add the warping options s = s.replace("""""",""" Alpha """ % (self.out_ds.RasterCount + 1)) s = s.replace("""""", """%i """ % (self.out_ds.RasterCount + 1)) s = s.replace("""""", """ """) # save the corrected VRT open(tempfilename,"w").write(s) # open by GDAL as self.out_ds self.out_ds = gdal.Open(tempfilename) #, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # delete the temporary file os.unlink(tempfilename) if self.options.verbose: print("Modified -dstalpha warping result saved into 'tiles1.vrt'") open("tiles1.vrt","w").write(s) s = ''' ''' else: self.error("Input file has unknown SRS.", "Use --s_srs ESPG:xyz (or similar) to provide source reference system." ) if self.out_ds and self.options.verbose: print("Projected file:", "tiles.vrt", "( %sP x %sL - %s bands)" % (self.out_ds.RasterXSize, self.out_ds.RasterYSize, self.out_ds.RasterCount)) if not self.out_ds: self.out_ds = self.in_ds # # Here we should have a raster (out_ds) in the correct Spatial Reference system # # Get alpha band (either directly or from NODATA value) self.alphaband = self.out_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand() if (self.alphaband.GetMaskFlags() & gdal.GMF_ALPHA) or self.out_ds.RasterCount==4 or self.out_ds.RasterCount==2: # TODO: Better test for alpha band in the dataset self.dataBandsCount = self.out_ds.RasterCount - 1 else: self.dataBandsCount = self.out_ds.RasterCount # KML test self.isepsg4326 = False srs4326 = osr.SpatialReference() srs4326.ImportFromEPSG(4326) if self.out_srs and srs4326.ExportToProj4() == self.out_srs.ExportToProj4(): self.kml = True self.isepsg4326 = True if self.options.verbose: print("KML autotest OK!") # Read the georeference self.out_gt = self.out_ds.GetGeoTransform() #originX, originY = self.out_gt[0], self.out_gt[3] #pixelSize = self.out_gt[1] # = self.out_gt[5] # Test the size of the pixel # MAPTILER - COMMENTED #if self.out_gt[1] != (-1 * self.out_gt[5]) and self.options.profile != 'raster': # TODO: Process corectly coordinates with are have swichted Y axis (display in OpenLayers too) #self.error("Size of the pixel in the output differ for X and Y axes.") # Report error in case rotation/skew is in geotransform (possible only in 'raster' profile) if (self.out_gt[2], self.out_gt[4]) != (0,0): self.error("Georeference of the raster contains rotation or skew. Such raster is not supported. Please use gdalwarp first.") # TODO: Do the warping in this case automaticaly # # Here we expect: pixel is square, no rotation on the raster # # Output Bounds - coordinates in the output SRS self.ominx = self.out_gt[0] self.omaxx = self.out_gt[0]+self.out_ds.RasterXSize*self.out_gt[1] self.omaxy = self.out_gt[3] self.ominy = self.out_gt[3]-self.out_ds.RasterYSize*self.out_gt[1] # Note: maybe round(x, 14) to avoid the gdal_translate behaviour, when 0 becomes -1e-15 if self.options.verbose: print("Bounds (output srs):", round(self.ominx, 13), self.ominy, self.omaxx, self.omaxy) # # Calculating ranges for tiles in different zoom levels # if self.options.profile == 'mercator': self.mercator = GlobalMercator() # from globalmaptiles.py # Function which generates SWNE in LatLong for given tile self.tileswne = self.mercator.TileLatLonBounds # Generate table with min max tile coordinates for all zoomlevels self.tminmax = list(range(0,32)) for tz in range(0, 32): tminx, tminy = self.mercator.MetersToTile( self.ominx, self.ominy, tz ) tmaxx, tmaxy = self.mercator.MetersToTile( self.omaxx, self.omaxy, tz ) # crop tiles extending world limits (+-180,+-90) tminx, tminy = max(0, tminx), max(0, tminy) tmaxx, tmaxy = min(2**tz-1, tmaxx), min(2**tz-1, tmaxy) self.tminmax[tz] = (tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy) # TODO: Maps crossing 180E (Alaska?) # Get the minimal zoom level (map covers area equivalent to one tile) if self.tminz == None: self.tminz = self.mercator.ZoomForPixelSize( self.out_gt[1] * max( self.out_ds.RasterXSize, self.out_ds.RasterYSize) / float(self.tilesize) ) # Get the maximal zoom level (closest possible zoom level up on the resolution of raster) if self.tmaxz == None: self.tmaxz = self.mercator.ZoomForPixelSize( self.out_gt[1] ) if self.options.verbose: print("Bounds (latlong):", self.mercator.MetersToLatLon( self.ominx, self.ominy), self.mercator.MetersToLatLon( self.omaxx, self.omaxy)) print('MinZoomLevel:', self.tminz) print("MaxZoomLevel:", self.tmaxz, "(", self.mercator.Resolution( self.tmaxz ),")") if self.options.profile == 'geodetic': self.geodetic = GlobalGeodetic() # from globalmaptiles.py # Function which generates SWNE in LatLong for given tile self.tileswne = self.geodetic.TileLatLonBounds # Generate table with min max tile coordinates for all zoomlevels self.tminmax = list(range(0,32)) for tz in range(0, 32): tminx, tminy = self.geodetic.LatLonToTile( self.ominx, self.ominy, tz ) tmaxx, tmaxy = self.geodetic.LatLonToTile( self.omaxx, self.omaxy, tz ) # crop tiles extending world limits (+-180,+-90) tminx, tminy = max(0, tminx), max(0, tminy) tmaxx, tmaxy = min(2**(tz+1)-1, tmaxx), min(2**tz-1, tmaxy) self.tminmax[tz] = (tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy) # TODO: Maps crossing 180E (Alaska?) # Get the maximal zoom level (closest possible zoom level up on the resolution of raster) if self.tminz == None: self.tminz = self.geodetic.ZoomForPixelSize( self.out_gt[1] * max( self.out_ds.RasterXSize, self.out_ds.RasterYSize) / float(self.tilesize) ) # Get the maximal zoom level (closest possible zoom level up on the resolution of raster) if self.tmaxz == None: self.tmaxz = self.geodetic.ZoomForPixelSize( self.out_gt[1] ) if self.options.verbose: print("Bounds (latlong):", self.ominx, self.ominy, self.omaxx, self.omaxy) if self.options.profile == 'raster': log2 = lambda x: math.log10(x) / math.log10(2) # log2 (base 2 logarithm) self.nativezoom = int(max( math.ceil(log2(self.out_ds.RasterXSize/float(self.tilesize))), math.ceil(log2(self.out_ds.RasterYSize/float(self.tilesize))))) if self.options.verbose: print("Native zoom of the raster:", self.nativezoom) # Get the minimal zoom level (whole raster in one tile) if self.tminz == None: self.tminz = 0 # Get the maximal zoom level (native resolution of the raster) if self.tmaxz == None: self.tmaxz = self.nativezoom # Generate table with min max tile coordinates for all zoomlevels self.tminmax = list(range(0, self.tmaxz+1)) self.tsize = list(range(0, self.tmaxz+1)) for tz in range(0, self.tmaxz+1): tsize = 2.0**(self.nativezoom-tz)*self.tilesize tminx, tminy = 0, 0 tmaxx = int(math.ceil( self.out_ds.RasterXSize / tsize )) - 1 tmaxy = int(math.ceil( self.out_ds.RasterYSize / tsize )) - 1 self.tsize[tz] = math.ceil(tsize) self.tminmax[tz] = (tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy) # Function which generates SWNE in LatLong for given tile if self.kml and self.in_srs_wkt: self.ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(self.in_srs, srs4326) def rastertileswne(x,y,z): pixelsizex = (2**(self.tmaxz-z) * self.out_gt[1]) # X-pixel size in level pixelsizey = (2**(self.tmaxz-z) * self.out_gt[1]) # Y-pixel size in level (usually -1*pixelsizex) west = self.out_gt[0] + x*self.tilesize*pixelsizex east = west + self.tilesize*pixelsizex south = self.ominy + y*self.tilesize*pixelsizex north = south + self.tilesize*pixelsizex if not self.isepsg4326: # Transformation to EPSG:4326 (WGS84 datum) west, south = self.ct.TransformPoint(west, south)[:2] east, north = self.ct.TransformPoint(east, north)[:2] return south, west, north, east self.tileswne = rastertileswne else: self.tileswne = lambda x, y, z: (0,0,0,0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_metadata(self): """Generation of main metadata files and HTML viewers (metadata related to particular tiles are generated during the tile processing).""" if not os.path.exists(self.output): os.makedirs(self.output) if self.options.profile == 'mercator': south, west = self.mercator.MetersToLatLon( self.ominx, self.ominy) north, east = self.mercator.MetersToLatLon( self.omaxx, self.omaxy) south, west = max(-85.05112878, south), max(-180.0, west) north, east = min(85.05112878, north), min(180.0, east) self.swne = (south, west, north, east) # Generate googlemaps.html if self.options.webviewer in ('all','google') and self.options.profile == 'mercator': if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output, 'googlemaps.html')): f = open(os.path.join(self.output, 'googlemaps.html'), 'w') f.write( self.generate_googlemaps() ) f.close() # Generate openlayers.html if self.options.webviewer in ('all','openlayers'): if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output, 'openlayers.html')): f = open(os.path.join(self.output, 'openlayers.html'), 'w') f.write( self.generate_openlayers() ) f.close() elif self.options.profile == 'geodetic': west, south = self.ominx, self.ominy east, north = self.omaxx, self.omaxy south, west = max(-90.0, south), max(-180.0, west) north, east = min(90.0, north), min(180.0, east) self.swne = (south, west, north, east) # Generate openlayers.html if self.options.webviewer in ('all','openlayers'): if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output, 'openlayers.html')): f = open(os.path.join(self.output, 'openlayers.html'), 'w') f.write( self.generate_openlayers() ) f.close() elif self.options.profile == 'raster': west, south = self.ominx, self.ominy east, north = self.omaxx, self.omaxy self.swne = (south, west, north, east) # Generate openlayers.html if self.options.webviewer in ('all','openlayers'): if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output, 'openlayers.html')): f = open(os.path.join(self.output, 'openlayers.html'), 'w') f.write( self.generate_openlayers() ) f.close() # Generate tilemapresource.xml. if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output, 'tilemapresource.xml')): f = open(os.path.join(self.output, 'tilemapresource.xml'), 'w') f.write( self.generate_tilemapresource()) f.close() if self.kml: # TODO: Maybe problem for not automatically generated tminz # The root KML should contain links to all tiles in the tminz level children = [] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.tminmax[self.tminz] for x in range(xmin, xmax+1): for y in range(ymin, ymax+1): children.append( [ x, y, self.tminz ] ) # Generate Root KML if self.kml: if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output, 'doc.kml')): f = open(os.path.join(self.output, 'doc.kml'), 'w') f.write( self.generate_kml( None, None, None, children) ) f.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_base_tiles(self): """Generation of the base tiles (the lowest in the pyramid) directly from the input raster""" print("Generating Base Tiles:") if self.options.verbose: #mx, my = self.out_gt[0], self.out_gt[3] # OriginX, OriginY #px, py = self.mercator.MetersToPixels( mx, my, self.tmaxz) #print "Pixel coordinates:", px, py, (mx, my) print('') print("Tiles generated from the max zoom level:") print("----------------------------------------") print('') # Set the bounds tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy = self.tminmax[self.tmaxz] # Just the center tile #tminx = tminx+ (tmaxx - tminx)/2 #tminy = tminy+ (tmaxy - tminy)/2 #tmaxx = tminx #tmaxy = tminy ds = self.out_ds tilebands = self.dataBandsCount + 1 querysize = self.querysize if self.options.verbose: print("dataBandsCount: ", self.dataBandsCount) print("tilebands: ", tilebands) #print tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy tcount = (1+abs(tmaxx-tminx)) * (1+abs(tmaxy-tminy)) #print tcount ti = 0 tz = self.tmaxz for ty in range(tmaxy, tminy-1, -1): #range(tminy, tmaxy+1): for tx in range(tminx, tmaxx+1): if self.stopped: break ti += 1 tilefilename = os.path.join(self.output, str(tz), str(tx), "%s.%s" % (ty, self.tileext)) if self.options.verbose: print(ti,'/',tcount, tilefilename) #, "( TileMapService: z / x / y )" if self.options.resume and os.path.exists(tilefilename): if self.options.verbose: print("Tile generation skiped because of --resume") else: self.progressbar( ti / float(tcount) ) continue # Create directories for the tile if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(tilefilename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tilefilename)) if self.options.profile == 'mercator': # Tile bounds in EPSG:900913 b = self.mercator.TileBounds(tx, ty, tz) elif self.options.profile == 'geodetic': b = self.geodetic.TileBounds(tx, ty, tz) #print "\tgdalwarp -ts 256 256 -te %s %s %s %s %s %s_%s_%s.tif" % ( b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], "tiles.vrt", tz, tx, ty) # Don't scale up by nearest neighbour, better change the querysize # to the native resolution (and return smaller query tile) for scaling if self.options.profile in ('mercator','geodetic'): rb, wb = self.geo_query( ds, b[0], b[3], b[2], b[1]) nativesize = wb[0]+wb[2] # Pixel size in the raster covering query geo extent if self.options.verbose: print("\tNative Extent (querysize",nativesize,"): ", rb, wb) # Tile bounds in raster coordinates for ReadRaster query rb, wb = self.geo_query( ds, b[0], b[3], b[2], b[1], querysize=querysize) rx, ry, rxsize, rysize = rb wx, wy, wxsize, wysize = wb else: # 'raster' profile: tsize = int(self.tsize[tz]) # tilesize in raster coordinates for actual zoom xsize = self.out_ds.RasterXSize # size of the raster in pixels ysize = self.out_ds.RasterYSize if tz >= self.nativezoom: querysize = self.tilesize # int(2**(self.nativezoom-tz) * self.tilesize) rx = (tx) * tsize rxsize = 0 if tx == tmaxx: rxsize = xsize % tsize if rxsize == 0: rxsize = tsize rysize = 0 if ty == tmaxy: rysize = ysize % tsize if rysize == 0: rysize = tsize ry = ysize - (ty * tsize) - rysize wx, wy = 0, 0 wxsize, wysize = int(rxsize/float(tsize) * self.tilesize), int(rysize/float(tsize) * self.tilesize) if wysize != self.tilesize: wy = self.tilesize - wysize if self.options.verbose: print("\tReadRaster Extent: ", (rx, ry, rxsize, rysize), (wx, wy, wxsize, wysize)) # Query is in 'nearest neighbour' but can be bigger in then the tilesize # We scale down the query to the tilesize by supplied algorithm. # Tile dataset in memory dstile = self.mem_drv.Create('', self.tilesize, self.tilesize, tilebands) data = ds.ReadRaster(rx, ry, rxsize, rysize, wxsize, wysize, band_list=list(range(1,self.dataBandsCount+1))) alpha = self.alphaband.ReadRaster(rx, ry, rxsize, rysize, wxsize, wysize) if self.tilesize == querysize: # Use the ReadRaster result directly in tiles ('nearest neighbour' query) dstile.WriteRaster(wx, wy, wxsize, wysize, data, band_list=list(range(1,self.dataBandsCount+1))) dstile.WriteRaster(wx, wy, wxsize, wysize, alpha, band_list=[tilebands]) # Note: For source drivers based on WaveLet compression (JPEG2000, ECW, MrSID) # the ReadRaster function returns high-quality raster (not ugly nearest neighbour) # TODO: Use directly 'near' for WaveLet files else: # Big ReadRaster query in memory scaled to the tilesize - all but 'near' algo dsquery = self.mem_drv.Create('', querysize, querysize, tilebands) # TODO: fill the null value in case a tile without alpha is produced (now only png tiles are supported) #for i in range(1, tilebands+1): # dsquery.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(tilenodata) dsquery.WriteRaster(wx, wy, wxsize, wysize, data, band_list=list(range(1,self.dataBandsCount+1))) dsquery.WriteRaster(wx, wy, wxsize, wysize, alpha, band_list=[tilebands]) self.scale_query_to_tile(dsquery, dstile, tilefilename) del dsquery del data if self.options.resampling != 'antialias': # Write a copy of tile to png/jpg self.out_drv.CreateCopy(tilefilename, dstile, strict=0) del dstile # Create a KML file for this tile. if self.kml: kmlfilename = os.path.join(self.output, str(tz), str(tx), '%d.kml' % ty) if not self.options.resume or not os.path.exists(kmlfilename): f = open( kmlfilename, 'w') f.write( self.generate_kml( tx, ty, tz )) f.close() if not self.options.verbose: self.progressbar( ti / float(tcount) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_overview_tiles(self): """Generation of the overview tiles (higher in the pyramid) based on existing tiles""" print("Generating Overview Tiles:") tilebands = self.dataBandsCount + 1 # Usage of existing tiles: from 4 underlying tiles generate one as overview. tcount = 0 for tz in range(self.tmaxz-1, self.tminz-1, -1): tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy = self.tminmax[tz] tcount += (1+abs(tmaxx-tminx)) * (1+abs(tmaxy-tminy)) ti = 0 # querysize = tilesize * 2 for tz in range(self.tmaxz-1, self.tminz-1, -1): tminx, tminy, tmaxx, tmaxy = self.tminmax[tz] for ty in range(tmaxy, tminy-1, -1): #range(tminy, tmaxy+1): for tx in range(tminx, tmaxx+1): if self.stopped: break ti += 1 tilefilename = os.path.join( self.output, str(tz), str(tx), "%s.%s" % (ty, self.tileext) ) if self.options.verbose: print(ti,'/',tcount, tilefilename) #, "( TileMapService: z / x / y )" if self.options.resume and os.path.exists(tilefilename): if self.options.verbose: print("Tile generation skiped because of --resume") else: self.progressbar( ti / float(tcount) ) continue # Create directories for the tile if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(tilefilename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tilefilename)) dsquery = self.mem_drv.Create('', 2*self.tilesize, 2*self.tilesize, tilebands) # TODO: fill the null value #for i in range(1, tilebands+1): # dsquery.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(tilenodata) dstile = self.mem_drv.Create('', self.tilesize, self.tilesize, tilebands) # TODO: Implement more clever walking on the tiles with cache functionality # probably walk should start with reading of four tiles from top left corner # Hilbert curve... children = [] # Read the tiles and write them to query window for y in range(2*ty,2*ty+2): for x in range(2*tx,2*tx+2): minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.tminmax[tz+1] if x >= minx and x <= maxx and y >= miny and y <= maxy: dsquerytile = gdal.Open( os.path.join( self.output, str(tz+1), str(x), "%s.%s" % (y, self.tileext)), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if (ty==0 and y==1) or (ty!=0 and (y % (2*ty)) != 0): tileposy = 0 else: tileposy = self.tilesize if tx: tileposx = x % (2*tx) * self.tilesize elif tx==0 and x==1: tileposx = self.tilesize else: tileposx = 0 dsquery.WriteRaster( tileposx, tileposy, self.tilesize, self.tilesize, dsquerytile.ReadRaster(0,0,self.tilesize,self.tilesize), band_list=list(range(1,tilebands+1))) children.append( [x, y, tz+1] ) self.scale_query_to_tile(dsquery, dstile, tilefilename) # Write a copy of tile to png/jpg if self.options.resampling != 'antialias': # Write a copy of tile to png/jpg self.out_drv.CreateCopy(tilefilename, dstile, strict=0) if self.options.verbose: print("\tbuild from zoom", tz+1," tiles:", (2*tx, 2*ty), (2*tx+1, 2*ty),(2*tx, 2*ty+1), (2*tx+1, 2*ty+1)) # Create a KML file for this tile. if self.kml: f = open( os.path.join(self.output, '%d/%d/%d.kml' % (tz, tx, ty)), 'w') f.write( self.generate_kml( tx, ty, tz, children ) ) f.close() if not self.options.verbose: self.progressbar( ti / float(tcount) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def geo_query(self, ds, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, querysize = 0): """For given dataset and query in cartographic coordinates returns parameters for ReadRaster() in raster coordinates and x/y shifts (for border tiles). If the querysize is not given, the extent is returned in the native resolution of dataset ds.""" geotran = ds.GetGeoTransform() rx= int((ulx - geotran[0]) / geotran[1] + 0.001) ry= int((uly - geotran[3]) / geotran[5] + 0.001) rxsize= int((lrx - ulx) / geotran[1] + 0.5) rysize= int((lry - uly) / geotran[5] + 0.5) if not querysize: wxsize, wysize = rxsize, rysize else: wxsize, wysize = querysize, querysize # Coordinates should not go out of the bounds of the raster wx = 0 if rx < 0: rxshift = abs(rx) wx = int( wxsize * (float(rxshift) / rxsize) ) wxsize = wxsize - wx rxsize = rxsize - int( rxsize * (float(rxshift) / rxsize) ) rx = 0 if rx+rxsize > ds.RasterXSize: wxsize = int( wxsize * (float(ds.RasterXSize - rx) / rxsize) ) rxsize = ds.RasterXSize - rx wy = 0 if ry < 0: ryshift = abs(ry) wy = int( wysize * (float(ryshift) / rysize) ) wysize = wysize - wy rysize = rysize - int( rysize * (float(ryshift) / rysize) ) ry = 0 if ry+rysize > ds.RasterYSize: wysize = int( wysize * (float(ds.RasterYSize - ry) / rysize) ) rysize = ds.RasterYSize - ry return (rx, ry, rxsize, rysize), (wx, wy, wxsize, wysize) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def scale_query_to_tile(self, dsquery, dstile, tilefilename=''): """Scales down query dataset to the tile dataset""" querysize = dsquery.RasterXSize tilesize = dstile.RasterXSize tilebands = dstile.RasterCount if self.options.resampling == 'average': # Function: gdal.RegenerateOverview() for i in range(1,tilebands+1): # Black border around NODATA #if i != 4: # dsquery.GetRasterBand(i).SetNoDataValue(0) res = gdal.RegenerateOverview( dsquery.GetRasterBand(i), dstile.GetRasterBand(i), 'average' ) if res != 0: self.error("RegenerateOverview() failed on %s, error %d" % (tilefilename, res)) elif self.options.resampling == 'antialias': # Scaling by PIL (Python Imaging Library) - improved Lanczos array = numpy.zeros((querysize, querysize, tilebands), numpy.uint8) for i in range(tilebands): array[:,:,i] = gdalarray.BandReadAsArray(dsquery.GetRasterBand(i+1), 0, 0, querysize, querysize) im = Image.fromarray(array, 'RGBA') # Always four bands im1 = im.resize((tilesize,tilesize), Image.ANTIALIAS) if os.path.exists(tilefilename): im0 = Image.open(tilefilename) im1 = Image.composite(im1, im0, im1) im1.save(tilefilename,self.tiledriver) else: # Other algorithms are implemented by gdal.ReprojectImage(). dsquery.SetGeoTransform( (0.0, tilesize / float(querysize), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, tilesize / float(querysize)) ) dstile.SetGeoTransform( (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ) res = gdal.ReprojectImage(dsquery, dstile, None, None, self.resampling) if res != 0: self.error("ReprojectImage() failed on %s, error %d" % (tilefilename, res)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_tilemapresource(self): """ Template for tilemapresource.xml. Returns filled string. Expected variables: title, north, south, east, west, isepsg4326, projection, publishurl, zoompixels, tilesize, tileformat, profile """ args = {} args['title'] = self.options.title args['south'], args['west'], args['north'], args['east'] = self.swne args['tilesize'] = self.tilesize args['tileformat'] = self.tileext args['publishurl'] = self.options.url args['profile'] = self.options.profile if self.options.profile == 'mercator': args['srs'] = "EPSG:900913" elif self.options.profile == 'geodetic': args['srs'] = "EPSG:4326" elif self.options.s_srs: args['srs'] = self.options.s_srs elif self.out_srs: args['srs'] = self.out_srs.ExportToWkt() else: args['srs'] = "" s = """ %(title)s %(srs)s """ % args for z in range(self.tminz, self.tmaxz+1): if self.options.profile == 'raster': s += """ \n""" % (args['publishurl'], z, (2**(self.nativezoom-z) * self.out_gt[1]), z) elif self.options.profile == 'mercator': s += """ \n""" % (args['publishurl'], z, 156543.0339/2**z, z) elif self.options.profile == 'geodetic': s += """ \n""" % (args['publishurl'], z, 0.703125/2**z, z) s += """ """ return s # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_kml(self, tx, ty, tz, children = [], **args ): """ Template for the KML. Returns filled string. """ args['tx'], args['ty'], args['tz'] = tx, ty, tz args['tileformat'] = self.tileext if 'tilesize' not in args: args['tilesize'] = self.tilesize if 'minlodpixels' not in args: args['minlodpixels'] = int( args['tilesize'] / 2 ) # / 2.56) # default 128 if 'maxlodpixels' not in args: args['maxlodpixels'] = int( args['tilesize'] * 8 ) # 1.7) # default 2048 (used to be -1) if children == []: args['maxlodpixels'] = -1 if tx==None: tilekml = False args['title'] = self.options.title else: tilekml = True args['title'] = "%d/%d/%d.kml" % (tz, tx, ty) args['south'], args['west'], args['north'], args['east'] = self.tileswne(tx, ty, tz) if tx == 0: args['drawOrder'] = 2 * tz + 1 elif tx != None: args['drawOrder'] = 2 * tz else: args['drawOrder'] = 0 url = self.options.url if not url: if tilekml: url = "../../" else: url = "" s = """ %(title)s """ % args if tilekml: s += """ %(minlodpixels)d %(maxlodpixels)d %(north).14f %(south).14f %(east).14f %(west).14f %(drawOrder)d %(ty)d.%(tileformat)s %(north).14f %(south).14f %(east).14f %(west).14f """ % args for cx, cy, cz in children: csouth, cwest, cnorth, ceast = self.tileswne(cx, cy, cz) s += """ %d/%d/%d.%s %d -1 %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f %s%d/%d/%d.kml onRegion """ % (cz, cx, cy, args['tileformat'], args['minlodpixels'], cnorth, csouth, ceast, cwest, url, cz, cx, cy) s += """ """ return s # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_googlemaps(self): """ Template for googlemaps.html implementing Overlay of tiles for 'mercator' profile. It returns filled string. Expected variables: title, googlemapskey, north, south, east, west, minzoom, maxzoom, tilesize, tileformat, publishurl """ args = {} args['title'] = self.options.title args['googlemapskey'] = self.options.googlekey args['south'], args['west'], args['north'], args['east'] = self.swne args['minzoom'] = self.tminz args['maxzoom'] = self.tmaxz args['tilesize'] = self.tilesize args['tileformat'] = self.tileext args['publishurl'] = self.options.url args['copyright'] = self.options.copyright s = """ %(title)s
Generated by MapTiler/GDAL2Tiles, Copyright © 2008 Klokan Petr Pridal, GDAL & OSGeo GSoC
""" % args return s # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_openlayers( self ): """ Template for openlayers.html implementing overlay of available Spherical Mercator layers. It returns filled string. Expected variables: title, googlemapskey, yahooappid, north, south, east, west, minzoom, maxzoom, tilesize, tileformat, publishurl """ args = {} args['title'] = self.options.title args['googlemapskey'] = self.options.googlekey args['yahooappid'] = self.options.yahookey args['south'], args['west'], args['north'], args['east'] = self.swne args['minzoom'] = self.tminz args['maxzoom'] = self.tmaxz args['tilesize'] = self.tilesize args['tileformat'] = self.tileext args['publishurl'] = self.options.url args['copyright'] = self.options.copyright if self.options.profile == 'raster': args['rasterzoomlevels'] = self.tmaxz+1 args['rastermaxresolution'] = 2**(self.nativezoom) * self.out_gt[1] s = """ %(title)s """ % args if self.options.profile == 'mercator': s += """ """ % args s += """
Generated by MapTiler/GDAL2Tiles, Copyright © 2008 Klokan Petr Pridal, GDAL & OSGeo GSoC
""" % args return s # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= if __name__=='__main__': argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( sys.argv ) if argv: gdal2tiles = GDAL2Tiles( argv[1:] ) gdal2tiles.process()